Clemson University Center for Agricultural Technology

CU-CAT is a Clemson University center for collaboration focused on research, education, and outreach to positively impact farmers through the creation and deployment of new solutions and increased accessibility to existing resources and recommendations.

Bamberg County farmer Richard Rentz and Clemson precision agriculture engineer Kendall Kirk work with a tablet in front of a grain silo.

Our Vision

CU-CAT will be the hub for opportunities for Clemson Ag. Tech researchers and external parties to work together on developing, testing, and training on new technologies.

The pillars of research, education, and outreach are at the center of CU-CAT goals, missions, and desired outcomes and are directly aligned with the Land Grant Mission.

CU-CAT is a Clemson University center for collaboration focused on research, education, and outreach to positively impact farmers through the creation and deployment of new solutions and increased accessibility to existing resources and recommendations.

"The Cooperative Extension Service has information to help farmers sustainably grow productive crops. Through the Ag-Rec server, we are establishing a digital presence for Extension recommendations, which we anticipate will be the start of revolutionizing delivery of Extension programs worldwide. We intend to build a framework that Extension programs everywhere can contribute to."
Kendall Kirk
Kendall Kirk / Precision Ag Engineer & CU-CAT/EATS Director
CU-CAT Communities

Communities within CU-CAT will bring public and private industry together in network activities such as sponsored research, consortium, educational, and outreach projects related to the various entities’ shared interests. These communities will have participation agreements that govern memberships and contributions. Those that join will provide value in the form of technology, expertise, or funding as designated by guiding participation agreements.

Learn more about CU-CAT Communities
A CU-CAT Community

The Ecosystem of Agricultural Technology Sharing contributes to the CU-CAT pillars of education, research, and outreach by serving as a touchpoint between Clemson University Agricultural resources and experts and companies looking to develop and contribute to the CU-CAT mission.

Learn more about EATS

From our blog

See what's happening and get the latest updates from CU-CAT on our blog.

Clemson Extension Watermelon Field Day features research, technology and trade show
Clemson Extension Watermelon Field Day features research, technology and trade show

The 2024 Clemson University Watermelon Field Day features innovative technology, pest control tips, research updates, and a trade show to give waterme...

Precision Ag Field Day sets technology in motion for students
Precision Ag Field Day sets technology in motion for students

Precision agriculture uses cutting-edge technology to make farms more efficient. With experts predicting technology will brighten farming’s futu...

South Carolina Agriculture Technology and Business Forum coming to West Columbia
South Carolina Agriculture Technology and Business Forum coming to West Columbia

NOTE: We are at full capacity. Registration is closed. Plan to join us for the 2025 Forum! This forum is designed to address challenges and shape the ...