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Introducing EATS: Cultivating Innovation in Agricultural Technology

CU-CAT has been laying the groundwork to launch an initiative poised to revolutionize the agricultural technology landscape: EATS, the Ecosystem of Ag...

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Clemson Extension Watermelon Field Day features research, technology and trade show
Clemson Extension Watermelon Field Day features research, technology and trade show

The 2024 Clemson University Watermelon Field Day features innovative technology, pest control tips, research updates, and a trade show to give waterme...

Precision Ag Field Day sets technology in motion for students
Precision Ag Field Day sets technology in motion for students

Precision agriculture uses cutting-edge technology to make farms more efficient. With experts predicting technology will brighten farming’s futu...

South Carolina Agriculture Technology and Business Forum coming to West Columbia
South Carolina Agriculture Technology and Business Forum coming to West Columbia

NOTE: We are at full capacity. Registration is closed. Plan to join us for the 2025 Forum! This forum is designed to address challenges and shape the ...

Clemson Extension hires new precision ag specialist
Clemson Extension hires new precision ag specialist

Clemson University Center for Agricultural Technology has added a new precision agriculture specialist to its staff. The post Clemson Extension hires ...

Clemson/Michelin study impact of tire pressure on soil compaction in South Carolina
Clemson/Michelin study impact of tire pressure on soil compaction in South Carolina

We know the researchers at Clemson University will make every effort to determine what data and information is going to best serve our regional farmer...

Proper forages for livestock benefit humans
Proper forages for livestock benefit humans

People who raise livestock know how important forages are for proper nutrition in their herds. But that nutirional value also is passed along to human...